
Let's Count 88! -Hachiju Hachi Ya-

As I posted on the previous blog, setsubun (Feb 3) is the day before the beginning of spring. It means that February 4 is “the first day of spring” (known as risshun) this year. I don’t feel 'spring' yet though.....
Anyway....for tea-lovers, it is the time to count 88!
The 88th day counting from risshun is a special ‘tea day’ known as hachiju-hachiya (literally, “eighty-eight night”). It is believed that drinking green tea made from tea leaves picked on hachiju-hachiya will bring you good health for the year. Tea festivals are annually held at tea-producing areas including Kyoto and Shizuoka on the day.
Hachiju-hachiya in 2014 is on May 2. Let's count together! :-)
-by T-

Sakura Season

  Sakura is a feast for the eyes. Also a feast for the palate. Sencha named "sakura-hime (lit: sakura princess), which is blended with ...