Taking a walk under the sun is said to be fine, so I went out to find "a sign of spring". For Japanese, Sakura, which makes us feel calm, happy and gives us power, is very very very special for this time of year. When we find out when Sakura will be full-bloom, various TV news can take up as their top news every spring.
Still too early for full-fledged sakura season, but I've found a baby sakura. Yes, spring is coming!
Sakura is not only for the eyes, but for the palate. I had a Sakura green tea latte at a Japanese tearoom, Osaka Chakai. Powdered edible salted Sakura leaf is mixed, giving a sign of spring flavor.
Together with a kinako (roasted bean powder) butter toast, which is also good.
I believe that regulating our immune system is also very important to overcome this time. Taking a walk to get fresh air, taking a good sleep, having a good food and drinking tea (at least for me) should help.
We are very much looking forward to Sakura season while protecting ourselves.